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admin  .  07 Jul 2021  .  1 min read   .   5017

Vedas are revelations of ancient rishis. They are mantric in style and multiple layered in meaning. Each verse contains meaning for different levels of awareness.The four goals of life according to the Vedas: They are dharma, artha, kama and moksha. The Word dharma has many meanings and one of them is a purpose of purusha's incarnation on material level.

Artha has general meaning for material resources acquired for fulfilling of dharma and (optionally) kama and moksha. Kama means desire (based on attraction) to experience enjoyment. Moksha means liberation from bondage of material manifestation and has different meaning in different yogic and philosophical traditions. Each mystic school claims that it's methods lead to a final liberation, while others leads only to an inferior levels or realizations.

The Vedas and Vedic Astrology

The term Vedic comes from the word Veda, which literally means knowledge. True knowledge is said to be transcendental, and the real experience of "the Veda" can only be directly perceived by the enlightened mind. Out of compassion for mankind, however, ancient seers composed four sets of hymns called the Vedas, which are expressions of various aspects of knowledge such as philosophy, yoga, meditation, healing, and other sciences. They are designed to help humanity in the quest for happiness, peace and fulfillment. 

Vedic astrology is the astrology of India. It is said to have been intuitively perceived thousands of years ago by the same ancient mystics who developed the various techniques of meditation and yoga for which India is so well known.It is called jyotish, which means “the lord of light,” because it is used to illuminate life, providing both practical and spiritual insight. Jyotish, which technically is a Vedanga or limb of the Vedas, is considered to be "the eye of the Veda", the science which helps one see the life path. It is the mother of all other sciences.

According to Prashna Marga, a great classic of Vedic Astrology, the proper study of this science leads one to "the acquisition of wealth, karmic merit, salvation, respect and fame."

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