Monica Lewinsky - A Leo


Monica Lewinsky celebrity astrology
Profession - Former White House Intern
Date of Birth - 23rd July, 1973
Place of Birth - San Francisco,USA
Chinese Sign- Ox
Feng Shui Element- Ox

Astro - Report

Famous for her affair with ex-President Bill Clinton, she worked as as intern in the White House, until the affair broke.

The Sun in Leo makes Monica warm and generous, with a flair for dramatisation. Monica dislikes authority and being ignored, and needs to learn to soften her pride and accept criticism.

Monica has the strongest creative urge of all the Sun signs, and this must be expressed either practically or artistically.

The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Monica's chart suggests that she is a slow developer and is optimistic, enthusiastic and eager for material progress. Mercury benefits from the Suns vigour in the form of a balanced mind and strong powers of expression - this gives Monica the strength to know her mind and the courage to speak it.

Two planets in Libra indicates Monica's desire to get along with others and a love of style, beauty and sophistication. Two planets in Leo indicates a radiant and steady personality, which is more often than not focused on herself.

Two planets in Monica's 10th House stresses her need for worldly achievement and recognition, and a desire to be in control of her life. But they are no guarantee of fame and fortune.

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