Benjamin Franklin - A Capricorn


Benjamin Franklin celebrity astrology
Profession - Scientist
Date of Birth - 17th January, 1706
Place of Birth - Boston, Massachusetts

Astro - Report

Sun in Capricorn - Essentially, you're cautious, steadfast and reserved. Even as a child, your personality was probably mature for your years.Your sun sign, Capricorn, occupies the top position on the zodiac.You were made for management and leadership. Your ambitions are only limited by your self-esteem. Planning and work will pay off.

Moon in Pisces - You're sensitive and psychically receptive to other people's feelings. You soak up people's thoughts the way paper towels soak up messes. Consequently, your own emotional life may be confused, adrift, and vacillating between optimism and melancholy. The conflict is not necessarily within you. It is within the feelings you experience from others. You need periodic retreat from the world. Pursue a worthy ideal.Your imagination is fertile and active. Your work makes a strong and lasting impression on others.

Four Planets in Fiery sign - You tend to be active, dynamic, mobile and assertive. You know that you're special and enjoy a charmed life. Intuition is your thing and you live by your own code, which is usually positive and life affirming. Competitive and flamboyant, you give people a strong and immediate impression of who you are. Timid and slow folk may find you overwhelming, rash and willful. You are more or less self-motivated.

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