Arnold Schwarzenegger - A Leo


Arnold Schwarzenegger - celebrity leo
Profession - Actor
Date of Birth- 30th July, 1947
Place of Birth- Graz, Austria.
Chinese Sign - Pig
Feng Shui Element - Fire

Astro - Report

The Sun in Leo makes Arnold warm and generous, with a flair for dramatisation. Arnold dislikes authority and being ignored, and needs to learn to soften his pride and accept criticism. Arnold has the strongest creative urge of all the Sun signs, and this must be expressed either practically .

He is full of vitality and will be frustrated and unhappy if unable to express his creativity. Arnold can be surprisingly sensitive and easily hurt. He is very sensual and enjoys sex, but it must always be in comfortable surroundings. He enjoys a sense of drama in his work and a job in the theatre/film world is perfect for him, as is any trade in which glamour and luxury play a part.

The Sun-Saturn-Pluto conjunctions in Leo in Arnold's 8th House indicate that he is somewhat shy and unconfident. Saturn gives the Sun the power of endurance and thus the ability to conserve anything. Arnold needs to build lasting relationships on strong and stable foundations and has the ability to hold things together in the face of adversity. His behaviour tends to be extreme, and this aspect in the chart can even indicate political fanaticism. He has the courage to implement the kind of change that leads to self-generation.

The Mars-Uranus conjunction in Gemini in Arnold's 6th House bestows great determination and obstinate self-will. Overall, Arnold is an exciting irresistible personality with endless reserves of physical energy. Both mentally alert and inventive, he is fiercely independent and has the courage to achieve extraordinary feats.

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