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FindYourFate  .  21 Nov 2022  .  3 mins read   .   5017

Eclipses bring about major changes in our lives and they are the cause for evolution around. As per astrology, eclipses are transformative periods that bring about rapid and sudden changes. However they are not always malefic, they bring in positive reinforcements as well. Eclipses are rare astronomical events that have astrological implications because they can only take place when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are all aligned properly.

Eclipses always happen in groups of two or three. A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon and the Sun are on exact opposite sides of the Earth. There are four to seven eclipses every calendar year. And about two eclipse seasons. Year 2022 has had 4 eclipses, 2 solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses and so would be the year 2023.

During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls on the face of the Moon that it would be eclipsed in sight for a person from the earth. In a lunar eclipse, the earth momentarily blocks the illumination from the Sun that creates a full Moon. Generally lunar eclipses indicate the consolidation of our emotional cycles, they help us to get rid of certain emotions and feelings that we are tied up for long that we are almost exhausted.

Lunar eclipses come as a cleansing ritual, they clean and mould us and prepare us for the days ahead with renewed energy. Lunar eclipse periods hide the reality from us that things do not seem clear to us. Spiritually, lunar eclipses tend to bring our emotions to the fore and guide us to get out of it or change it for our betterment. Lunar eclipse is a good time for reflection on the course of our lives.

Types of Lunar Eclipses

There are 2 types of Lunar eclipses: Penumbral and Total. There are no Annular lunar eclipses like Annular Solar Eclipse because the Earth is much bigger than the Moon, and its shadow will never be small enough to leave a ring.

Penumbral Eclipse

The Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, directly opposite the Sun. In the very centre, or umbra, is complete darkness, but as we look further out from the centre of the shadow some light is visible. This shadowy ring around the umbra is called the penumbra. When the Moon passes through this shadowy penumbra, we experience what we call a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The Moon does not completely disappear, but the light gets dim. 

Total Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly aligned and the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth. That is, the Earth prevents the light from the Sun from reaching the Moon. Total lunar eclipses are sometimes called Blood Moons because of the reddish-orange glow the Moon takes on during the eclipse.

How does a lunar eclipse affect you

A Lunar eclipse would bring about major changes in our lives. And these changes come all of a sudden, out of the blue in a spurt. Most of us would be caught off guard by the changes brought about by a Lunar eclipse. However not all the effects would be harmful, there might be changes that would make us shift our focus towards a new positive direction.

Lunar eclipses bring hidden truths to the fore. And this revelation would teach us something important as well. There is no way you can question this change, but go with the flow being directed by the Moon. Be ready to embrace or absorb anything that comes your way. A Lunar eclipse would always push you to move forward. And the push sometimes might seem very forceful much against your wishes and desires of life. It might bring about nervous breakdowns and meltdown, but there is no way back, you need to keep going.

Lunar eclipse guides you to release redundant energy that is stored by you. This is a time when you would be asked to get rid of any unwanted baggage and emotions that you are clinging on to for long. Though this spring-cleaning might seem quite uncomfortable for you around the moment, the long term prospects would be for your own good. In other words, Lunar eclipse helps to break any walls that hinder you from reaching your life goals.

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