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Findyourfate  .  12 Dec 2022  .  8 mins read   .   5084

The position of Venus in your birth chart or horoscope  shows how you express yourself socially, romantically, and artistically, in the different areas of your life Venus brings a sense of harmony, refinement, and aesthetic taste to the house it occupies. Venus relates to  luxury, romance, wealth, creativity, and elegance. Venus naturally brings harmony and refinement to the house it occupies. Generally, Venus in the first house makes one's fortunes stronger thereby bringing happiness into his or her life. The house of Venus in the birth chart is an area where you can be pretty successful.

Venus in the 1st House

Venus in the first house or the Ascendant  influences the way you relate to others. This suggests you possess a generous portion of personal grace, a pleasing manner, and a normally friendly demeanor.

The effect of this placement helps you become more socially outgoing and you have a generally happy outlook on life. Your personality strives to develop friendships and relationships that are quite happy for both the parties. You possess a  considerable advantage in business and social contacts. You appreciate the good things in life. You may have to guard against a degree of vanity in your makeup though.

The Positives of Venus in the 1st house:

Magnetic Appeal



The Negatives of Venus in the 1st house:



Advice for Venus in the 1st house:

You cannot always win an argument.

Celebrities with Venus in the 1st house:

Taylor Swift

George Clooney

Katy Perry

Selena Gomez

Cameron Diaz

Venus in the 2nd House

Venus placed in the 2nd house of the natal chart  is closely associated with your security and your material ideas. You have a love of wealth and the personal adornments it affords, and you probably have much good fortune. You are very much interested in making a lot of money, if only for the social status it provides.

The placement of Venus in the 2nd house denotes talent in business and a definite ability to make more  money. If  you are artistically inclined, you may stand a good chance of making money from your art too. Sometimes it also suggests an extravagance that may be offset by the material advantages that you obtain.

The Positives of Venus in the 2nd House:




The Negatives of Venus in the 2nd house:

Bitter nature


Advice for Venus in the 2nd house:

Being calm gets more things done.

Celebrities with Venus in the 2nd house:

Brad Pitt

Scarlett Johansson

Oprah Winfrey

David Beckham

Demi Lovato

Venus in the 3rd House

Venus in the third house indicates  a good deal of harmony in your early schooling and learning environment. This is an indication of intellectual interests in artistic and cultural pursuits. Your early years were pleasant and easy, and you may have developed talents in art or music.

Artistic and creative, you are probably an excellent writer too. You get along well with those in your family, because you don't like to argue. You operate through persuasion, never through pressure, and the gift of compromise seems to come naturally to you. You are a socially active person. 

The Positives of Venus in the 3rd House:




The Negatives of Venus in the 3rd House:

Mood changes

No Confidence

Advice for Venus in the 3rd house:

It is OK to make mistakes at times.

Celebrities with Venus in the 3rd House:

Cristiano Ronaldo


Jay Z

Ryan Reynolds

Venus in the  4th House

This placement of Venus in the 4th house shows a potential happy homebody,  and for whom a happy home is an ideal resort. You are emotionally attached to your home and the domestic scene. You take great pride in your home, and you seem to enjoy seeing to it that your surroundings are artistically decorated to how you can  afford.

There is a strong connection to the land, and this may include a patriotic love of your homeland. There is a closeness between yourself and your parents that is very beneficial to you in life. 

The Positives of Venus in the 4th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 4th house:



Advice for Venus in the 4th house:

Your emotional health needs to be taken care of.

Celebrities with Venus in the 4th house:

Justin Bieber

Ariana Grande

Halle Berry

Katie Holmes

Vanessa Hudgens

Venus in the 5th House

Venus in the fifth house of the natal chart produces an attractiveness to the opposite sex, a very appealing romantic nature, and a general love of life. You are popular and well liked. This Venus position gives a deep love of children, and you should make an excellent parent or child counselor.

You are likely to gain through dealings with young people in some form of service or occupation; teaching, psychologist, etc. Creative talent in the performing arts is often associated with this placement of Venus.

The Positives of Venus in the 5th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 5th house:


Difficult to please

Advice for Venus in the 5th house:

Be grateful for everything that life offers.

Celebrities with Venus in the 5th house:

Megan Fox

Prince William

Robbie Williams

Eva Longoria

Venus in the 6th House

This placement of Venus in the horoscope suggests involvement in social activities and romantic endeavors. There also may be an emotional attachment to work. For you,  the work environment would be quite harmonious and pleasant.

This placement often points to an occupation dealing with people such as mediators, agents, arbitrators and any career dealing with women. 

The Positives of Venus in the 6th House:




The Negatives of Venus in the 6th house:



Advice for Venus in the 6th house:

Do note that there is a time for everything.

Celebrities with Venus in the 6th house:

Emma Watson

Will Smith

Gwyneth Paltrow

Adam Levine

Venus in the 7th House

This placement of Venus in the 7th house  shows social abilities, and  a happy marriage. Most relationships are harmonious and friendly. Marriage and friends are very important to you, and you contribute more towards the success of relationships. Marriage usually produces prosperity for you. The position of Venus  is favorable in careers dealing with people, such as psychology, sales and public relations.

The Positives of Venus in the 7th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 7th house:



Advice for Venus in the 7th house:

Do not heed to the consent of others.

Celebrities with Venus in the 7th house:

Ryan Gosling

Tyra Banks

J.K. Rowling

Kate Moss

Venus in the 8th House

This placement of Venus in the birth chart  financial gains through marriage, partnerships, or social relations. This position of Venus is associated with an inheritance or gains through legacy. Sometimes, marriage is motivated by the prospects of financial gain. Usually, the placement increases the degree of possessiveness and jealousy existing in the relationship.

Venus in this house, finances come  from other than one's own efforts. Its presence can produce a degree of inertia or laziness, simply because of the ease with which success occurs.  

The Positives of Venus in the 8th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 8th house:



Advice for Venus in the 8th house:

Act in accordance with your words.

Celebrities with Venus in the 8th house:

Natalie Portman

Jennifer Lawrence

Prince Harry

Kylie Jenner

Mike Tyson

Venus in the 9th House

Venus in the ninth house brings emphasis of higher learning, travel, and philosophical thinking. This placement shows that pleasure is derived from study of philosophy, religion, and art. You are an intuitive person and you appreciate many of the finer things in life.

A ninth house Venus suggests long  pleasure trips, which may provide the opportunity for important social contacts and romantic encounters. Strong attachments may develop with persons from foreign countries, different races, cultures, traditions or religions.  

The Positives of Venus in the 9th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 9th house:



Advice for Venus in the 9th house:

Learn to love yourself first.

Celebrities with Venus in the 9th house:

Christina Aguilera

Kim Kardashian

Matt Damon

Jessica Alba

Mark Zuckerberg

Venus in the 10th House

This placement of Venus has to do with  career outlook, and the projection of an image to world at large. It may result in marriage for obtaining status and recognition.

Careers often follow a path toward the arts, diplomacy, fashion, beauty, or the entertainment fields. There is a deliberate cultivation of the personality to enhance career opportunities. This is a favorable position for speaking or singing that can gain public attention to the native.       

The Positives of Venus in the 10th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 10th house:



Advice for Venus in the 10th house:

Do different things every time.

Celebrities with Venus in the 10th house:

Johnny Depp

Nicole Kidman

Kanye West

Ashton Kutcher 

Venus in the 11th House

Venus in the eleventh house much gains through friends and social contacts. Socially, you are generally successful, with the knack for putting guests at ease, the tact in catering to diverse needs and the development of group activities.

Most of your goals in life will be achieved because of a natural talent for operating effectively within a social order or group. You may possess artistic talents.

The Positives of Venus in the 11th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 11th house:



Advice for Venus in the 11th house:

Follow your gut instincts, and do not have second thoughts.

Celebrities with Venus in the 11th house:


Lady Gaga

Keanu Reeves

Anthony Hopkins

Venus in the 12th House

This placement of Venus in the birth hart  shows a love of secretiveness and solitude. You have this introspective side, and need a certain amount of time to yourself. You are somewhat socially shy, causing a degree of loneliness or perhaps romantic frustration. Your emotions are subconsciously controlled but very strong. This position usually produces a significant degree of compassion for the downtrodden or the less fortunate.   

The Positives of Venus in the 12th house:




The Negatives of Venus in the 12th house:



Advice for Venus in the 12th house:

Take occasional risks in life.

Celebrities with Venus in the 12th house:



John Mayer

Gigi Hadid

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