Compatibility Calculator

Click on your zodiac sign to discover your zodiac sign's love match with the other zodiac signs. We reveal here the keys to success in your love and romance. We have looked into the stars and listed the love matching for all the 12 zodiacs.

Love Compatibility

Want to uncover the secrets for a perfect love relationship. Love matching is the only way to achieve the perfect relationship in love, marriage and sex. You would know which zodiac signs to approach and which ones to avoid in your love pursuits.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. This sign, more than any other, needs to lead. A natural-born warrior, fearless and courageous when positive, but foolhardy and reckless when negative, an Aries person is difficult to ignore, highly competitive, hard to beat, in sufferably annoying, but strangely likeable. Aries people are strong-willed, adventurous, naturally extrovert, and impulsive.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac.They are content to take second place in the ventures they undertake.Taureans are quiet, gentle people, but they know their own mind.The thought of too much action can sometimes make a Taurean feel physically sick. Taurus people love money, wealth, and status more than anything else, and it is rare to find a truly poor Taurean.
Geminian subjects are built with restlessness, versatility, and a constant desire for mental activity. Sometimes Gemini people cannot stop talking but it's mainly gossip for their own personal experiences. Geminis are clever. Their talent with words also makes them good writers and orators.
Cancer is the first sign in the Water Element grouping. Cancerian people have deep emotions and fathomless longings. Rather than take a risk and put all their energy into something that might fail, they prefer to wait and watch. When the time is ripe they dive in with great speed and efficiency. They are serious, caring, sensitive people with complex psyches.This is a sign that dislikes taking unneccessary risks.
Proud and regal, fiery and determined, the subjects of this cat sign are always a bit larger than life. Leos love to be noticed, admired, and adored. Innately lazy and good-natured, it is often quite difficult for Leo subjects to make an effort to assert themselves. Leos are renowned for being eternal children. Leos are loyal, likable, and often quite lovely people, but they can also be self-indulgent, stubborn, and prone to sulking if they don't get their own way.They are warm, demonstrative, and theatrical and love pageantry, blitz and glamour.
Virgoans seem to sit on the fence looking backward with confidence and at the same time displaying a certain timidity in moving forward. Virgoan subjects are happy to remain in the background, employing their organizational skills to help those with extrovert talents. Virgos are practical, sensible, logical, and clever.They can make mountains out of molehills in both a positive and negative context.
Libran subjects tend to center their lives around love and relationships. People born under this sign need a partner in order to be at their best and feel fulfilled .Librans are reluctant to select a direction until they are absolutely certain it is the right one. For this reason they tend to be thought indecisive. Librans love to impose a sense of order in their lives-everything must look perfect-appearance, clothing, possessions, home and environment must be scrupulously clean and tidy. Most librans posses a hard, cold, steely core. When they are confronted and forced to show their true colors, subjects of this sign can turn out to be remarkably hard, aggressive, and verbally self protective.
Scorpio is probably the most feared and yet the most revered sign of the zodiac. Most Scorpios would not hurt a fly for they are as gentle, caring, and generous as they can be hard, cruel, and mean. It really depends how they are treated. This is a sign which demands respect and usually gets it. Scorpions are highly sensitive, emotional creators who are so easily hurt that they cannot bear to show their feelings for fear of being ridiculed.
Given freedom, they are warm, affectionate, funny,and interesting companions .The adaptability of Sagittarius gives ambidexterity to its subject and enables them to tackle more than one thing at a time. Concentration is not their strong point, however, and they often become unstuck when talking on too much. Their love of change and variety makes them fascinating but unreliable .Projects are started but not finished, appointments and promises are made but not kept, and words are spoken which mean nothing a few days later.
Capricorn subjects have a sense of duty and responsibility toward themselves and others. Capricorns solider on down the road of success. Because they work hard at everything they do, they expect everyone else to be the same. Laziness, apathy, and lack of ambition are alien words to Capricorns. From a very early age Capricorns seem to have old heads on their young shoulders. Baby capricorns have fewer tantrums than the other children of the zodiac cycle.
Aquarius is one of the hardest signs of the zodiac to understand. Aquarius are often felt to be unfathomable when in reality they live almost entirely on the surface. Aquarians will not reveal their innermost feelings no matter how hard others may try to persuade them, simply because they are unable to do so. People of this sign have a reputation for being enigmatic, difficult to understand, and different from everyone else, and cleverly play on this to gain power and attention.
This is the sign which contains a little of every other sign and is often the hardest of all to understand. Pisces are rarely content. Typical Pisces subjects are quiet and introspective, preferring to watch and wait rather than dive straight in. They are generally kind, sympathetic, and supportive, and readily offer a listening ear for people with problems and a shoulder for friends to cry on.

Please Select Your Zodiac sign


(Mar 21 - Apr 19)


(Apr 20 - May 20)


(May 21 - June 21)


(Jun 22 - July22)


(July 23 - Aug 22)


(Aug 23 - Sep 22)


(Sep 23 - Oct 22)


(Oct 23 - Nov 21)


(Nov 22 - Dec 21)


(Dec 22 - Jan 19)


(Jan 20 - Feb 18)


(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

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