George.W.Bush - A Cancer


George Bush
Profession - American President
Date of Birth - 6th July, 1946
Place of Birth - New Haven, Connecticut,USA
Chinese Sign - Dog
Feng Shui Element - Fire

Astro - Report

The Sun in Cancer makes George emotional and intuitive, with a strong sense of personal achievement. He loves familiarity and dislikes confrontation and emotional quagmires. Kindness and caring are strong traits, and his instinct and intuition are sharp. If problems arise, George shows natural courage and resolution in adversity.

Three planets in Libra indicates George's desire to get along with others and a love of style, beauty and sophistication. Three planets in Leo indicates a radiant and steady personality, which is more often than not focussed on himself.

Three planets in George's 1st House suggest that he expresses his energies instinctively, demanding to have his voice heard without much awareness of, or consideration for, others' views. Three planets in George's 3rd House indicates that he has an active mind, which busily engages itself in the affairs of his immediate environment.

George's natal chart is in the shape of a 'Bowl' whereby all the planets are concentrated within one half of the chart. George is immensely self-contained and resourceful, but he also tends to be 'one-sided', so his life's challenge is to integrate the empty half of his chart. In George's chart the Bowl is primarily to the east of the Mid-heaven Axis which means that he needs to establish social outlets for his personal initiatives.

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