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FindYourFate  .  28 Nov 2023  .  2 mins read   .   5028

Taurus, you have the distinction of hosting Uranus right from 2018 till 2026. Uranus would be in retrograde phase in your sign as 2024 starts till January-end. It goes retrograde once again in September, to end the phase during the ensuing year. Uranus retrograde would bring the focus onto your finances and long-term investments.

The Sun enters your sign on the 19th of April, marking the Taurus season, then you would be enjoy the good things that life has to offer you.

Your lord Venus, enters your sign on the 29th of April. This Venus transit highlights your relationships and your finances towards the positive territory.

The New Moon for your sign occurs on the 8th of May. This is a day that wants you to reflect on your life purpose and your future course of life.

There would be a conjunction of Sun with Uranus in your sign on the 13th of May. This is  a major planetary influence on your sign, would be liberating for some natives and destabilizing for the rest.

Mercury, the communicator enters your sign on the 15th of May. This brings about better understanding in your personal relationships, particularly that involved with love and marriage.

May 18th of 2024 hosts yet another conjunction and this time it would involve the Sun and Jupiter. This would be a positive conjunction for Taurus natives and brings about luck in all your endeavors.

Mars, the fiery planet enters your sign on the 9th of June bringing in financial prosperity. It also brings about an awareness of your self.

You would be hosting the Full Moon for the year on the 15th of November, which reminds you to stay grounded and lead a simple life.

Jupiter is in your sign till the end of May and then shifts position to your 2nd house of Gemini. Till May, your finances and health remain highlighted. Then there would be a shift in your status, your creative energy would come to the fore and much fortune is on the cards.

In 2024, Saturn transits through your 11th house of Pisces all through the year. This helps you to focus on ventures that involve you in a team. Your friendships also get to be redefined around this time.

Uranus is in you sign all year long and would bring about occasional changes that are quite healthy. Expect some rebellious trends too.

Neptune transits through your 11th house brining in a time of heightened imagination and perception, your creativity gets enhanced.

Pluto travels through your 9th house of Capricorn till the end of November in 2024. There might be a shift in your belief system with regard to religion or culture. Then as it moves to your 10th house of Aquarius, it can impact your career and public life at large.

Though you are headstrong and like a stable environment around, be prepared for some changes that quite won’t fit in your pattern of stability this year, Taurus.

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